Web design for humans

…with zero tech-splaining.


Web Design and Maintenance

Fresh Start

You don’t have a website, or you do and you’re looking to start fresh. I’ll set up a site from scratch and train you to manage it on your own. I make logos, too.

Refresh ‘n’ Renew

Maybe you already have a website. Maybe you built it yourself. Maybe your kid built it. Maybe Mark Zuckerberg built it. Regardless, it needs an upgrade.

Roadside Assistance

You don’t need a new website, but things just ain’t working right and you can’t solve it yourself. Whatever it is, I can help, or direct you to someone who can.

Inclusive design consulting, speaking, and training

I consult on web-related things, speak, do audits and assessments, and offer tech and DEI trainings. I am a qualified administrator for the Intercultural Development Inventory assessment.

Let’s chat.

Hi! I’m Erin.

I’ve been making websites since 1998, with a focus on accessible, inclusive, simple and effective design. If I do one thing in my life, I want to demystify technology for everyone. Other things I’m up to:

A very cute dark gray dog is licking Erin's face. Erin is wearing a baseball cap and girimacing/smiling.